Causes Of Low Back Pain

Back Facts
Back Anatomy
Causes of Low Back Pain
Treatment Options


Scoliosis is defined as a side-to-side deviation from the normal frontal axis of the body (Fig. 2a&b).Although traditional, this definition is limited since the deformity occurs in varying degrees in all three planes: back-front; side-to-side; top-to-bottom. Scoliosis is a descriptive term and not a diagnosis. As such, a search is made for the cause. In more than 80% of the cases, a specific cause is not found and such cases are termed idiopathic, i.e., of undetermined cause. This is particularly so among the type of scoliosis seen in adolescent girls. Conditions known to cause spinal deformity are congenital spinal column abnormalities, neurological disorders, genetic conditions and a multitude of other causes. Scoliosis does not come from carrying heavy things, athletic involvement, sleeping/standing postures, or minor lower limb length inequality. In managing AIS, the judgment of the surgeon and the participation of informed patients and families are as important in determining treatment outcome as surgical techniques. Decision-making in the management of AIS remains complex despite the availability of data on natural history, prognosis of different curve patterns, brace treatment factors, and surgical innovations. The management of AIS includes several steps and treatment options:
· screening and early detection of deformity,
· observation of changes in deformity over time with informed judgment regarding prognosis, orthotic and non-operative interventions,
· surgical planning and operating,

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Salama Chiropractic Center

Wendover Chiropractic Clinic Location
Suite A,  3410 West Wendover Avenue• Greensboro, North Carolina 27407

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